Organizing a Cleanup

Getting Started 

We need your help as a cleanup organizer for Rivers Alive. Learn more by watching this video.

How to Organize a Waterway Cleanup: Tips, Information, and FAQs: A question-answer guide designed to walk you through the process of organizing a successful Rivers Alive event.

Rivers Alive Mentors: Locate a mentor near you for additional help or guidance

Register an Event: Register your cleanup event by July 31st to receive free T-shirts or stickers for your volunteers, a radio Public Service Announcement, and educational or promotional posters to publicize your event. You might also qualify for a 3 x 6 ft River Alive banner, so plan your event now!

Education: Ideas for water quality activities and displays for your Rivers Alive event

Tools for Organizing 

Volunteer Waiver Forms and Sign-in Sheets:

Download this doc file. Volunteer Waiver Form  (English)
Download this doc file. Sign-in Sheet  (English)
Download this doc file. Waiver Form & Sign-in Sheet  (Spanish)

Download this pdf file. Think Safety

Download this pdf file. Event Checklist

Download this pdf file. Volunteer Cleanup Tally Form
Download this pdf file. Cleanup Organizer Tally Form

Rivers Alive encourages you to use these data cards to easily record the types of trash collected. We use the information to help identify sources of trash on local waterways and determine where education and outreach efforts should be concentrated to reduce pollution. The data is also submitted to The Ocean Conservancy and incorporated in their annual report, which has been used by EPA, the U.S. Coast Guard, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and others to identify threats facing the waters of the nation.

Final Tally Form

Once you have completed your cleanup event, submit the Final Tally Form located on your account. Take a look at the form before you head out to the waterways so you can prepare your answers while you are out there.

Download this pdf file. Rivers Alive Talking Points

Talking points that cover why waterway litter is a problem, what individuals can do to help, and a Rivers Alive 2011 final tally.

Download this pdf file. Rivers Alive Media Q&A

Q&A to use when promoting Rivers Alive and your cleanups.

Bridgestone Americas Free Tire Pickup

Bridgestone's One Team, One Planet Spent Tire Community Clean-Up Support Program is teaming up with local waterway cleanup groups to eradicate the problem of tire litter. Event organizers can request tire recycling support (free of charge!) by filling out a form available here. Requests must be made at least one month in advance, so sign up now!

Download this pdf file. Kayak Cleanup Guide

Here, you'll find tips and information to help you organize a paddling cleanup event. Cleaning a river by canoe or kayak is one of the easiest ways to get individuals up close and personal to the river and have a blast taking care of your local resources. Rivers Alive encourages boat cleanup events and wants to make sure your cleanup is effective, safe and fun.

BoatU.S. Foundation Beach and Waterway Cleanup Guide

Created for coastal cleanups, this downloadable guide provides information on every aspect of organizing a cleanup, including recruiting volunteers, promoting your event, getting sponsorships and donations and even educational materials. Whether you're at the beach or in the mountains, there's something here for everyone!